Rafał R. Suszek
Jakub Kośmicki
Member of The Society
Katarzyna Grabowska
Department of Mathematical Methods in Physics
homepage: https://www.fuw.edu.pl/~konieczn/
Research interests: differential geometry, mathematical physics
Calin I. Lazaroiu
Department of Theoretical Physics, IFIN-HH, UNED
homepage: https://events.theory.nipne.ro/gap/index.php?id=10
Research interests: String theory, symplectic and algebraic geometry
Mirela Babalic
Department of Theoretical Physics, IFIN-HH
homepage: https://events.theory.nipne.ro/gap/index.php?id=7
Research interests: string theory, mathematical physics, quantum field theory
Romanian Student Circle on Geometry and Physics
Student society from the other side of Carpathians, together with our society we are creating larger Trans-Carpathian Student Circle.
Trans-Carpathian Seminar on Geometry
A joint research seminar of the Department of Mathematical Methods in Physics at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw, the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Horia Hulubei National institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering and the Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy.
Karol K. Kozłowski
homepage: https://perso.ens-lyon.fr/karol.kozlowski/home.php
Research interests: Asymptotic analysis, Correlation functions in quantum integrable models, Concentration of measure, special functions
Adrian Mirecki
Treasurer of The Society
Kuba Filipek
Member of The Society
Damian Kayzer
Member of The Society
Hubert Ziajka
Member of The Society
Rafał R. Suszek
Department of Mathematical Methods in Physics
homepage: https://www.fuw.edu.pl/~suszek/
Research interests: higher geometry and algebra in physical models, functorial and geometric quantisation
categorification of dualities, supergeometry with supersymmetry
noncommutative geometry, string theory
Marcel Majocha
Vice-President of The Society
Piotr Schmidt
Secretary of The Society
Marcin Napiórkowski
Department of Mathematical Methods in Physics
homepage: www.fuw.edu.pl/~marcnap
Research interests: quantum statistical mechanics, analysis, PDEs
Jan Turczynowicz
President of The Society